BGCF Function OV:
- Selects the network to use for PSTN/PLMN interworking in which breakout is to occur and within that network
- Selects Media Gateway Control Function (MGCF)
- Provides security through authorization of peer networks
- BGCF of a peer network can be selected to hand-off routing
- BGCF determines the next hop for routing the SIP message
- Generation of CDRs
- Location of the PSTN address
- Local policies and business agreements between the peer network
- Minimize path distance
- Least cost path
Interfaces bewteen BGCF and other NEs:
- between CSCF and BGCF (Mi),
- between BGCF and MGCF (Mj),
- between BGCF/IMS ALG and BGCF (Mk)
- between BGCF/CSCF and IBCF (Mx).
Further Information: https://docs.google.com/fileview?id=F.66ad2c67-fa6d-42d0-9d6d-493ca7232881